Economic System
In Strength & Honour 2 the player must not only battle their way to global supremacy but must also tactfully arrange the economic system and policies of the cities they control to keep their citizens happy and gain wealth and power.
Trade Items
Trade items play a key role in maintaining a happy and loyal empire. Building markets to improve trade routes and gain a supply of the items listed below can have a major impact on the success of your rule. In order to collect trade items and to prosper from the items that you have a supply of, you must set up extensive trade routes with other nations using trade treaties. Trade routes can be cut off, however, by hostile enemy nations and if a key nation in the middle of a long trade route has a frosty relationship with you, it's integral that you negotiate with them and other neighbouring nations to secure treaty agreements and maintain a steady flow of trade goods. Trade treaties are an important part of a successful strategy for maintaining a healthy empire.

In World mode you can develop your cities to improve the happiness of your citizens, build up a strong army and improve your supplies by building new facilities. Each facility has a different impact on varying aspects of your nation. Each city has only a small number of slots for buildings and each facility has a cost to build so choose what you build carefully. Of course, you can destroy facilities to make room for new buildings.Certain buildings are only available to particular nations such as the Great Pyramid for Egypt and the Oracle for Sparta. There are eight styles which impact the look of the facilities that correspond to the major civilizations of the Gauls, Egyptians, Mauryans, Persians, Romans, Huns, Chinese and Carthaginians.
Facilities are important for maintaining the guiding philosophy of a nation. There are several different philosophical approaches which can be developed based on what facilities are built in a city.
Militarism – To achieve the ultimate goal of military might, a number of barracks will be essential to increase the maximum number of professional soldiers (Heavy Infantry), and the recruitment/production level of these troops. A large number of farms will also be needed to support the army for long range attacks and aggressive expansion campaigns.
Legalism – If you promote fairness throughout the empire, farmers and peasants are more willing to protect their cities from invaders. Building court houses can quickly increase the recruitment/production of light infantry units to defend the city from foreign invaders. Fairness to the farmers and peasants, however, also decreases the share that the government gets from the supplies produced by farms. That also makes the governor more popular than the emperor. Building a Senator House will double the entire city’s maximum number of light infantry units. In general, legalism is effective for a small nation that needs to protect its territory. As the empire expands, however, more resistance will come from the governors within the empire rather than from foreign nations that are at war with you.
Commercialism – Commercialism is a philosophy that believes gold can buy and get everything that a nation could ever need. Building markets and signing trade treaties with other nations can significantly increase a city’s gold income. Getting a supply of different kinds of trade items into the empire will also make people happier and less troubled. With gold piling up in a city’s inventory, the city can recruit soldiers such as mercenaries and buy supplies from the merchant for defensive purposes or to fight back against invaders. In order to have sufficient gold, however, the nation must be large or have a well balanced foreign policy to maintain trade routes.
Pacifism – Sometimes war is not the only means to expand the empire. Building a number of libraries will increase the culture of a nation and smaller nations that are allies will likely willingly join the empire. Although the progress of this philosophy is slow and not certain, it does present a way to peacefully rule the world.
Listed below are all the facilities in SNH2 with images from the various civilizations.