trength & Honour’s 3D battle mode allows you to take the commander’s seat in a large-scale tactical battlefield simulation in real time. But it’s not just a matter of numbers or specialized unitsyou must think strategically in order to outsmart your enemy and lead the troops to victory. |
ealistic Formations.
• 26 army formations over 8 civilizations
• Customize and save your own formations for campaign use
• Divisional level formations allowing fine tuning for the most demanding situations
etailed Unit Reactions within the Chain-Of-Command.
• Losing a unit will affect their battalion’s morale first and then, through the chain of command, their division and even the whole army.
• Losing a commander will cut off the command chain and affect every unit.
• Units behave through individual, battalion, division, and army level commands. (User only controls division and army level commands)
• Cut down the enemy's flags to destroy communication and demoralize the whole army.
etachments for Outflanking or Ambushing.
• Split divisions in your army and create a strike detachment to surprise the enemy by outflanking their rear
• Hide cavalry behind the field and ambush the enemy with the bait of your HQ
• Send delay detachments to slow down enemy detachments
ore than 50 types of Units across Eight Civilizations.
• Includes Chinese crossbow men and Indian elephant units
• Most units have their own fighting abilities and behaviours
• Detailed unit animations walking, approaching, charging, and fighting
ealistic Weather and Terrains.
• Seasonal terrain for spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
• Fog, rain, and snow to affect units’ visibility, fatigue and movements.